Posted in Housing Properties, by Gabriel Lee, on Feb 5, 2021

13 HDB resale flats sold for at least $1M in Dec 2020

Resale pries has been climbing up for 7th straight months and strong demand is expected to continue to rise in year 2021. Is this a good phenomenal? How does it impact you and your children?

There are pros and cons on this. If you are a property investor or seller of the property, you will be pleased with the said increase. Having said that, with such a continuing increasing price trend (especially amid the pandemic), it is a cause of concern for those genuine buyers as they may not be able to afford a property of their own. For those who have children, you will know what I mean.

Gone were the days where HDB property were really affordable compared to now. 

Fret not, at least it goes to show that there is still value to invest property in Singapore. We just have to be more discerning and take extra care and caution when it comes to property investment.

Read on to find out if the property you are staying at as you could be the next upcoming millionaire!
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Gabriel Lee
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